Sheridan County School District #2 > District Board of Trustees > District Policies > Section G: Personnel Policies
- GBB - Staff Involvement in Planning and Procedures
- GBC - Code of Ethics
- GBEA - Conflict of Interest
- GBEBC - Staff Gifts and Solicitations
- GBEC - Drug/ Alcohol/ Tobacco Free Workplace Program
- GBF - Criminal Background Check and Fingerprinting
- GBFA - Staff Recruiting
- GBFB - Staff Hiring
- GBG - Employee Safety and Occupational Health
- GBI - Staff Participation in Political Activities
- GBIA/JBIA - Distribution of Non-School-Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees
- GBIB/JBIB - Political Campaigns/Activities - Students/Employees
- GBJ - Personnel Records and Files
- GBK - Staff Complaints and Grievances
- GBQ - Retirement Benefits
- GBQA - Non-School Employment by Staff
- GCA - Certification of Staff
- GCB - Staff Contracts and Compensation Plans
- GCBA - Certified Staff Salary Schedule
- GCBC - Extra Duty Agreements
- GCBD/GDBD - Staff Benefits
- GCBE - Administrator and Professional Staff Salaries
- GCBF / GDBF- Sick Leave Bank
- GCBF-P / GDBF-P - Sick Leave Bank Committee Guidelines
- GCC/GDC - Staff Leaves and Absences
- GCCA/GDCA - Family and Medical Leave Act
- GCI - Staff Development Opportunities
- GCK - Staff Transfers and Reassignments
- GCKA - Certified Staff Non Teaching Duties
- GCN - Evaluation of Certified Staff
- GCNA - Evaluation of Administrative Staff
- GCQ - Staff Suspension, Dismissal, Termination, and Resignation of Employment
- GCQA - Staff Reduction in Force
- GCQEA - Early Retirement Incentive Plan
- GCQEA-P - Early Retirement Incentive Plan Schedule of Benefits/Application
- GCQF - Rehired Retirees
- GDBC - Classified Staff Wage Schedule
- GDK - Classified Staff Time Schedule
- GDO - Evaluation of Classified Staff