In the Discovery program, “students learn and master the positive social-emotional skills necessary to be successful in school and in life.” (“The Discovery Institute & Discovery Program | Program Overview”) In this program, we will work as a community to improve our social-emotional and academic skills. The class will meet for one period a day to work on these skills. We will dive into the following units throughout the year:
- Effective Group Skills and Team Building
- Anger Management
- Effective Communication
- Assertiveness Training
- Problem-Solving
- Conflict Resolution
Discovery will start every day with Circle Up where students will:
- State their name
- Rank how they’re doing on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best.
- Give an emotion that they are feeling that is not physical (hungry, tired, thirsty, etc.) and more descriptive than happy or sad.
- Answer the prompt of the day.
After this, we will learn about the skills that we are working on. This will consist of direct instruction, followed by projects and activities to practice these skills

Discovery is built around the values labeled in the chart above. The 6Ps are the central expectations for all students to follow at the Wright Place. The 6Ps stand for:
- Polite
- Produce
- Prompt
- Participate
- Prepared
- Positive Mental Attitude
Quality Work means that students are turning in work that they are proud of, is well researched, and strives for exceeds expectations (4) of the 1-4 standards-based grading scale.
Catch the Vision means that students and staff buy into the program. They create personal and academic goals to work on throughout the school year.
Together we can make a difference means that no man is an island. At the Wright Place we believe that we need each other in order to succeed because our presence at school influences each other.