Sheridan Junior High School
We ensure that ALL students LEARN.
Teachers at SJHS are at the top of their game due to constant collaboration and staff development built into our schedule. SJHS was recognized as a Professional Learning Community model school by Solution Tree and award winner of the Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. Our staff’s learning is truly the source of our success at SJHS, fostering excellence in our school through the following commitments:
Supporting Student Learning
- We build and maintain meaningful relationships with our students.
- We support the positive behavior of all students.
- We help students value their learning.
- We provide timely, systematic interventions and enrichments.
- We celebrate our student and staff successes.
Communicating Effectively
- We clearly articulate high expectations for student learning.
- We engage parents, students, and fellow educators in all aspects of a child’s education.
Maintaining a Professional Culture
- We put learning at the heart of everything we do.
- We work collaboratively in all aspects of our profession.
- We make evidence-based decisions.
- We implement evidence-proven best practices and change our approach when the old way isn’t working.
- We make no excuses when students don’t learn.
- We go to the source with problems or concerns.