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After School Orchestra

There are two groups that meet in addition to the block classes. The 4th and 5th grade orchestra meets Monday after school, and the 3rd grade orchestra meets Tuesday after school. The goal of the After School Orchestra program is to give interested students an additional opportunity to play more challenging music in a large performing ensemble.

Because these groups will be playing more challenging music, students must meet the following requirements to participate:

  1. Students must either rent or own their own instrument, since at home practice is required a minimum of 4 days a week.
  2. Students must have at least one year experience participating in school block classes. No exceptions will be made without approval by Mrs. Smith.
  3. Students must have a ride home promptly at 4:15.
  4. Students may not miss more than 3 rehearsals. Coming to rehearsal without an instrument counts as a missed rehearsal.  If a student misses more than 3 rehearsals, they will not be allowed to play in the concert.
  5. Students must participate in all performances.

Please contact Mrs. Smith with any questions regarding After School Orchestra.

After School Orchestra Schedule:

 (4th /  5th Grade) Fall Schedule
Practice every Monday 3:30-4:15 starting September 19th except on:
October 10th: Teacher In-service

October 31st: Halloween

(4th/5th Grade) Spring Schedule

 (2nd / 3rd Grade) Fall Schedule
Practice every Tuesday 3:30-4:15 starting September 25th except on:

November 22nd: Thanksgiving Break

3rd Grade) Spring Schedule


Winter Concert is on Thursday, December 8th at 6:30pm.

Students are expected to arrive no later than 6:00pm that evening.
There will be no practice after the December 8th concert.

Spring Concert is on Thursday, May 18th at 6:30pm.

Students are expected to arrive no later than 6:00pm that evening.
There will be no more practice after the May 18th concert.

Instrument Rental Information

Please note that renting an instrument is not mandatory if your child is just trying an instrument for the first time and participating in block orchestra classes. Each school has a set of instruments for students to use during their class time; however these instruments are limited and are available for school use only. If your child has shown a definite interest in learning to play an instrument, I highly recommend renting an instrument so your child can practice outside of school. Practicing at home will allow your child to reinforce what is done at school and progress much faster.

Renting is mandatory if your student would like to participate in the After School Orchestra program (open to students in 3rd-5th grades only), as at home practice is required for these students.

If would like to rent an instrument please contact me. I can provide you with information about multiple dealers and help with any questions you may have. I can be reached at your child’s school during the day or by email anytime. Please do not hesitate to contact me!

Melissa Smith– Elementary Orchestra Teacher