Sheridan County School District #2 > District Board of Trustees > District Policies > Section J: Students
- JB - Equal Educational Opportunities
- JBA - Discrimination - Student Complaint Procedures
- JBIA/GBIA - Distribution of Non-School-Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees
- JBIB/GBIB - Political Campaigns/Activities - Employees/Students
- JC - School Attendance Areas
- JC-E - Request for Exception to Attendance Area
- JD - Homeless Students
- JEA - Compulsory Attendance Age And Procedure For Withdrawal Of A Minor Student
- JEA-E - Consent to Withdraw
- JEB - Entrance Age
- JEBA - Student Placement
- JFAB - Admission of Non-Resident Students
- JFABB - Admission of Foreign Exchange Students
- JG - Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels
- JH - Student Attendance
- JICA - Student Dress
- JICC - Authority for Student Conduct on School Buses
- JICD - Conduct on School Buses
- JICE - Student Publications
- JICFA - Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
- JICG/JICH -Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco/Other Substance Use by Students
- JICI - Weapons
- JICJ - Student Use of Cell Phone and Other Electronic Devices
- JIE/JIG - Married or Pregnant Students
- JIH - Student Searches, Information Gathering, and Student Arrests
- JII / AII - Grievance Procedure
- JII-E / AII-E - Formal Grievance Procedure Summary and Report Form
- JJB - Student Social Events
- JJE - Student Fund-Raising Activities
- JJG - Events for Students
- JJI - Extra-Curricular and Interscholastic Activities and Athletics
- JJIC - Participation in High School Activities
- JJIF - Training, Information, and Restrictions on Participation for Student Athlete Concussions
- JJIF-P - Training, Information, and Restrictions on Participation for Student Athlete Concussions
- JK - Student Discipline
- JK-E1 - Administrative Hearing Participants
- JKA - Corporal Punishment
- JKB - Detention of Students
- JKD/JKE - Student Suspension or Expulsion
- JKD/JKE-E - Administrative Hearing Participants
- JKD/JKE-P - Administrative Hearing Procedures for Hearing Officer
- JLC - Student Health Services
- JLCA- Head Lice Infestation
- JLCB - Immunization of Students
- JLCC - Communicable/ Infectious Diseases
- JLCD - Administering Medication to Students
- JLCD-E1 - Authorization for Administration of Prescription Medication and Release of Liability
- JLCD-E2 - Authorization for Administration of Over the Counter Medication and Release of Liability
- JLF - Reporting Child Abuse
- JLF-E - Report of Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect
- JLIA - Supervision of Students
- JLIB - Student Dismissal Precautions and Parental Rights
- JLIE - Vehicle Use
- JLJ - Seclusion and Restraint in Schools
- JLJ-E1 - Physical Restraint Incident Report
- JLJ-E2 - Isolation Room Incident Report
- JLJ-P - Seclusion and Restraint in Schools Procedure
- JM - Student Awards and Scholarships Requiring Travel
- JOA - School Contacts with Noncustodial Parents
- JQ - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
- JRA - Student Records
- JRA-E - Request for Disclosure of Student Educational Records
- JRA-E2 - Notification of Rights Under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools
- JRA-E3 - Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
- JRA-P - Procedures and Practices of the School District Governing the Maintenance, Transfer, and Disclosure of Student Educational Records
- JRAC - Student Privacy Protection and Parental Right of Inspection to Certain Material
- JRAD - Online Registration